If you are transporting a lot of products, you should be aware that this is when they are the most exposed and susceptible to theft. The ability to find the location where the theft took place and begin finding suspects can be a big challenge and a difficult process. Bringing about a system where you can more easily determine when a theft happens is very important. To aid in countering such acts and helping in the process of investigating the theft it would be important to go with Barcode Security Seals.
When transporting products across the country or internationally, it is important to scan in at every checkpoint to keep you up to date on the whereabouts of your products. In order to implement this security protocol we have lots of products with Barcode Security Seals. They are customisable to fit your purpose. The best way to keep track of your products is to have them scanned at every available checkpoint during transit. The frequency of checkpoints will help you better locate the area and time of theft. If your products go through points A – B without any problems, but are lost or tampered with somewhere during points C – D, then you can determine the ‘where’ of it.
Checkpoints work best when they add timestamps at every scan. Once the area is determined, we will know that the incident happened during transportation from point C – D, seeing as the last checkpoint was point C. When we add timestamps we can more or less determine around what possible time the products were stolen, giving us the ‘when’.
Once we have established the ‘where’ and ‘when’ we can then establish the ‘who’. With the location and timestamps it should be easy to find out who was on duty during the transportation shift when the theft took place and which areas they had been through. Trucks contain tracking devices, but goods being transported are often not fitted with these tracking devices. With the products being scanned on the way to the next destination we can get solid evidence and aid in investigation efforts to recover them where possible.
With this as a well known security protocol, it acts as a major deterrent for theft to take place and results in less cases of the theft of goods. When it is made harder to get away with the theft of these goods then you have a better chance of transporting them over great distances without the unnecessary worry. Prevention is the key in avoiding the consequence of loss to your business from theft and is the best line of defense. Make sure you choose the right Barcode Security Seals for you.
We are the leading manufacturer in the industry in South Africa with thousands of clients and most of South Africa’s largest brands. Serving clients like Standard Bank, FNB, Fidelity, Spar and many more, we continually deliver at the highest possible level with unmatched service.
Contact one of our professional consultants to help you in finding the best and most cost-effective solution for you and your business and determining the best Barcode Security Seal product for you.